Dennis Martire: Enhancing Union Workers’ Value to Employers

Dennis Martire

Dennis Martire not only serves as a dedicated union leader striving to improve working conditions but also plays a crucial role in overseeing LiUNA’s esteemed training program. This program offers ongoing training opportunities for members, empowering them to excel in their job-related responsibilities with greater competence and efficiency. Covering a diverse array of subjects and specialties, this training not only aids workers in advancing their careers but also assures employers that union workers tend to be more efficient and cost-effective compared to their counterparts.

In addition to his role in managing LiUNA’s Mid-Atlantic Region, Dennis Martire actively participates in several boards and committees. Notably, he contributes his expertise to the American High-Speed Rail Alliance Advisory Board, the Blue Ribbon Commission on Maryland Transportation Funding, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), and the Dulles Area Transportation Authority. Moreover, Dennis Martire plays a pivotal role in the Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund of North America (LHSFNA) as a Trustee, and he serves as Chairman of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizing Coalition (MAROC), the Performance Management Committee, and as a Committee Member for the Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board, among various other significant responsibilities.

Dennis Martire and his family currently reside in Northern Virginia. Many years ago, he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Government in 1986 from West Virginia Wesleyan College. Proudly affiliated with LiUNA Local #1058 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, his steadfast ascent within LIUNA serves as a testament to his unwavering commitment and dedication to the union’s membership. Dennis Martire considers it a personal mission to enhance working conditions and provide all laborers with well-paying and secure job opportunities.

Dennis Martire’s Career as a Union Official Has Been Great for Many
Dennis Martire’s Remarkable Achievements at LIUNA